The story behind the name, "Puzzle Pitstop"


A puzzle is a problem or game requiring creative thinking, logic, and sometimes patience to solve. It often involves fitting together pieces or finding solutions to complex situations. Puzzles come in many forms, and they can be physical objects like jigsaw puzzles or mental challenges like crosswords and Sudoku. Puzzles have been a popular form of entertainment and mental exercise for centuries. They can be found in various forms in cultures around the world. They're also used in educational settings to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Additionally, puzzles can be a source of enjoyment and relaxation along with building independent learning.


As quoted by most, life is a race and indeed it is when it comes to building careers but like every race, a pitstop is important and here we act as a pitstop for people of all age groups with our puzzles. These puzzles are a break just like a pitstop yet have great significance to the race. It isn’t like other breaks that cause education regression or distraction. It is a break that fuels the brain to be able to be independent and more active.

What do these two words mean to us?

Promoting independent learning is crucial for fostering lifelong learning skills and self-motivation. However, in a child’s regular life, time is more spent with dependent learning at school and other classes, leaving no scope for any exploration and self-learning. While mentoring is very important as children need support; it is also important to strike a balance by leaving some portion of it to them.

As quoted by most, life is a race and indeed it is when it comes to building careers but like every race, a pitstop is important and here we act as a pitstop for people of all age groups with our puzzles. These puzzles are a break just like a pitstop yet have great significance to the race. It isn’t like other breaks that cause education regression or distraction. It is a break that fuels the brain to be able to be independent and more active.