


“The Tessellation Puzzle” contains wooden pieces (the wood used is environmentally friendly and 100% recycled and reused wood) that can be used to create various shapes such as objects, people, geometrical shapes, alphanumerics, birds, animals, or abstract. Their correlation is in mathematics as well in the form of diagrams, charts, shapes, and other puzzles. The Tessellation Puzzle can educate you about spatial relationships, help you learn geometric terms, and develop problem-solving skills. They might even allow you to perform better on tests of basic problem-solving and geometric shapes. Additionally, successfully solving challenging puzzles provides a sense of accomplishment and boosts self-confidence. This positive reinforcement can extend to other areas of your life. Below are three examples of how the given shapes can be formed using the four polygonss.


Using the four polygons on the left, we will form a house on the right. You are allowed to rearrange, flip, or turn the pieces as long as they are placed flat on the surface and join each other perfectly.


Using the four polygons on the left, we will form a house on the right. You are allowed to rearrange, flip, or turn the pieces as long as they are placed flat on the surface and join each other perfectly.


Let’s try another using the same four polygons on the left, to form a boat on the right. The rules are the same – you are allowed to rearrange, flip, or turn the pieces as long as they are placed flat on the surface and join each other perfectly.


Let’s try another using the same four polygons on the left, to form a boat on the right. The rules are the same – you are allowed to rearrange, flip, or turn the pieces as long as they are placed flat on the surface and join each other perfectly.


For the third example, we will form the number “7”


For the third example, we will form the number “7”